Those who can ‘DO’, those who can’t…

It’s time for the special event. There has been plenty of preparation and planning, from practicing to updating and editing song lists, to reviewing the clients’ requirements and requests, and finally preparing for efficient and successful travel, load in and optimal setup.

Now the simple stuff is out of the way, the stuff anyone (or anyone is this business) can do — coordinating the entertainment logistics for the event. Simple stuff. The not-so-simple-anyone-can-do is the other 99% of the event, the most important part of the event…the performance.

The performance is all about the audience. 

The songs that are played are all for the audience.

The words spoken by the entertainers are to the audience, about the audience and all for the audience.

That’s the magic of what we, as entertainers, DO. The absolute coolest thing about a private event is walking into a beautiful venue full of a bunch of people who you do not know, and who do not know you, sitting down in front of that audience who has no idea what to expect and is perhaps (and respectively so) a bit apprehensive, and after two hours of singing together, dancing together and laughing together we all walk away with a mutual admiration, a deeper understanding that the last two hours were something very special, a moment that will never be duplicated and always fondly remembered. 

When an ‘event’ turns into a memorable, exciting ‘experience’. That’s what we DO. That’s why we DO.

That’s The Eighty Eights Show and the ultimate legacy we will continue to proudly earn.